Critica sociale organica. Come superare i deficit di critica interna e immanente in chiave di teoria politica
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Organic social criticism, Immanent critique, Critical theoryAbstract
Beginning with the current discussion on the forms of social critique, the essay aims to outline a novel, Gramscian-inspired model of organic social critique, far from any form of paternalism but capable of preserving a strong emancipatory charge. The model aims to overcome certain theoretical deficits found in the model of internal critique as it was thematized by Michael Walzer and later by Luc Boltanski, and by the model of immanent critique proposed within the framework of the neo-Hegelian turn in German critical theory, particularly by Axel Honneth and Rahel Jaeggi. This operation is carried out through the reinterpretation of some of the notions developed by Gramsci, beginning with those of "organic adherence" and "subaltern groups," later revived in postcolonial studies, circumscribing their validity to the figure of the social critic as it is understood in our day.
- 2023-06-27 (2)
- 2023-06-27 (1)
Copyright (c) 2023 Marco Solinas
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