Dall’“umanesimo integrale” alla “pedagogia degli oppressi”. La speranza come praxis per la giustizia sociale
https://doi.org/10.57611/qts.v3i1.379Parole chiave:
Hope, Praxis, Social justice, Jacques Maritain, Paulo FreireAbstract
Abstract: In absolute value, hope translates into the confident expectation of a good, and in our contemporary society, this also seems to be the condition that characterises many populations or parts of populations that are excluded from the sustainable development of society due to the wide gaps of inequality in their territories. This is the framework from which this article takes its cue in order to try to highlight how hope can be considered the drive for political action (praxis) of individuals for the collective good and social justice. To do this, the ideas of two thinkers (Jacques Maritain for Europe and Paulo Freire for Latin America) – at first sight very distant from each other – who had (perhaps first) understood how hope is linked to the condition and destiny of humanity and can drive to action to overcome the interregnum of societies, will be recalled.
Keywords: Hope; Praxis; Social justice; Jacques Maritain; Paulo Freire.
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