Queer Luhmann! Alcune riflessioni luhmanniane sul queer (o alcune riflessioni queer su Luhmann)
https://doi.org/10.57611/qts.v2i2.294Parole chiave:
queer, deconstruction, gender, sexual orientation, second-order observationAbstract
The author tries to outline some reflections upon queer from the point of view of Luhmann’s systems theory. The purpose of the article is linking the queer as deconstruction to the deconstruction as second-order observation. Following the four pillars of Luhmann’s theory – form, differentiation, observation, meaning –, queer will be analysed by the lens of systems theory as analysis of the form or the unity of distinction. The analysis of the form is three-levels structured: differentiation analysis (or factual extension), observation analysis (or social extension), and semantic analysis (or temporal extension).
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