Tracciare ponti negli studi sui giovani: generazioni, transizioni, strutture, agency e mobilità
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Youth Studies, transition, generations, agency, mobilityAbstract
Building bridges in Youth Studies: generations, transitions, structures, agency, and mobility. With this contribution I intend to offer an overview of the paths and approaches that have characterized Youth Studies from the 1980s onwards. This means considering youth from different perspectives: the context in which young people act, the cultures they produce and consume, the transitions to adult life and the generational aspects. In the following pages I will reconstruct the historical path of Youth Studies and report the positions of authors who have shaped the contemporary debate on youth. In this latter particular importance finds the classic sociological opposition between agency and structures, necessary to understand the contemporary youth condition often characterized by difficulty and uncertainty. Therefore agency will be the last object of analysis of this contribution: among the various themes to which this concept has been associated over time, I will focus on agency as a desire for elsewhere in order to understand how mobility can be, for young people, a strategy to cope with the turbulent context where they become adults.
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